Saturday, October 10, 2009

GoodShop for Harvest Hands

I don't know if you've heard (because I've been telling everyone I can), but there is this awesome site called GoodShop that gives a small percentage of your online purchases to the charity of your choice as long as they are a member. Harvest Hands, the place where I work in the summer, and a place that is very near and dear to my heart is a member so I wanted to tell you about it.

If you ever shop online, first before ordering, go to the GoodShop website. There you will see links to almost all of the major and not major online stores (ebay, amazon,, jcrew, etc, etc). Select "Harvest Hands Community Development Corporation (Nashville, TN)" under the "Who do you support?" box and then click on the link to the site on which you would like to shop. It will take you directly to the online store and a percentage of your purchase will go directly to Harvest Hands.

It's especially great for all of you that frequent online purchasing and for those who will be doing so in the upcoming holidays. It is also great if you purchase things online for work because it's no extra cost for you! Let me know if you have any questions! It is safe and secure, easy, and most importantly, benefits Harvest Hands. We've already raised about $120 so it really does work. Thanks for your support!

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