What I have thus far but updates soon.....
So I feel very behind on blogging, but also have lots of work before our trip to Tunisia next week. But I need to tell about all my spring break adventures because they were amazing so here goes...
Day 1: Saturday was an epic day of traveling. We got up decently early and caught a flight to Rome where we switched airports and took another flight to Barcelona. The whole process was annoying, but when you are flying the budget airlines you gotta do what you gotta do. By the end of the endless haggling of how many bags we had, how much they weighed, how big they were (it's how these airlines make their money by charging lots of overage fees on baggage) I was very glad to arrive in Barcelona. Our hostel was right down the street from Gaudi's La Sagrada Famiglia and in a bit of a residential area of town so we settled for some yummy Chinese food at a restaurant down the street and then I turned in for a night of pleasure reading and sleeping... yay spring break. (Day 1 pics here)
Day 2: Sunday, I got up and ventured out to Gaudi's park, Park Guel, via the awesome Metro system in Barcelona. Gaudi designed lots of cool houses, fountains, and bridges in the park. It was a wonderfully sunny day so I popped a squat on a grassy space and did some more relaxing reading after walking around to see all the cool sculptures
Then Meg, David, and Phil who also went on the trip met up with me and we decided to grab some lunch at a cafe and head towards the harbor area. The harbor was gorgeous. Lots of people in very cool clothes walked around and just chilled out by the water. Several bands played out by the water so me and Meg decided to enjoy some free music. We also wondered amongst the vendors selling lots of arts and crafts. I may have gotten a cool scarf :).
That night for dinner we headed to "The Attic" on Las Ramblas. It's a tapas bar and was so delicious. I got some yummy steak and creamed potatoes. Others got ox burger, rice paella (one of my new favorite foods that I need to learn how to cook), and duck. Then we wondered around Las Ramblas a bit and headed back to the hostel, which by the way was very nice with kitchens and common rooms perfect for cooking and hanging out. (Day 2 pics here)
Day 3: Monday, we went out towards Mont Juic in search of some cool muesuems, all of which were beautiful, but all of which were closed. So we wondered around and found some pretty public parks and also went to see Olympic park and Olympic stadium where they held the 1992 summer Olympics. It was really cool. I wanted to take a lap around the track, but couldn't figure out how to sneak in :( (Day 3 pics here)
More pics here:
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6