Here's my newest photography project. pre-touch-ups. I probably won't do much with them, but some straightening and such needs to happen. They were inspired by a photographer that came to speak at Rhodes named Leslie Hewitt. She would set up still lifes with significant objects from the 70s and photograph them. I was intrigued by her desire to capture these sculptures in photograph form. She really wanted to study the items as how they affected the one moment of time in which the photograph was taken. I thought the same way for my project as many of my objects had stories behind them that captured at least where I was at particular points in my life. The project theme is "Self Portraits." I opted for a very minimalist view on some of the objects in my life. I think it's funny that I ended up using objects to define myself since I'm not all that into stuff, but I liked how these photos ended up more so than my other shots. Enjoy!

This is a pitcher that I found thrifting when I was getting my first apartment and needed some decor. It also holds some of my first kitchen utensils. I will straighten it and lighten it.

I bought this purse in Milan, Italy during my time abroad last semester. I will probably crop out the bottom for congruency.

Some wilted flowers snagged (pre-wilting) from the trash after Homecoming here at Rhodes. Will crop the bottom.

An elephant I bought in Tunisia during my time abroad.

A hat that I received for Christmas one year.

A coin purse I bought in the weekly antique market in Catania, Sicily.

A pile of scarfs that I have gathered over the years because I love scarves! They are from Catania, Sicily, Barcelona, Spain, thrifting, and Christmas.

A teacup I dumpster dived for while I was interning at Harvest Hands during the summer. I got the whole set of china.

Some shoes that I have always loved and have carried me through several important events in my life.

Another pair of shoes that I wore almost every day in Sicily. They are also very dirty because of my drawing class.

This is a box that my grandmother gave me years ago. I don't know that she would even remember giving it to me. It is just a random antique box she got for me when we went antiquing with her one weekend. It has always lived on my dresser wherever I have lived (in the US at least) and has never held more than some pens and pencils and probably a few pennies, but I just love it's character.
I have a couple more to shoot and I might not even end up using these, but here's a taste at least of what I'm up to in photographyland.
I love these so much! The compositions are interesting, and I love the tight color scheme. I recognize many of the objects from Sicily. I have to confess to a bit of jealousy, as I've never taken a photography class of any sort but always wanted to!
Allison, that teacup is my grandmother's pattern :)
Can't wait to see you at B.
haha that's awesome Meredith! see you soon!
I especially like the pitcher and wooden spoons...the colors, the diverse angles captured my attention...I do so like photography...this last summer and this fall I've been doing closeups of insects and birds, and am beginning to get going on human subjects. I would love for you to see some of my stuff...Peace
Allison- Your pictures are fantastic! I recognize those shoes! :D
thanks so much everyone!
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