Saturday, September 26, 2009


Challenge to all of you bloggers and blog readers, I am running out of face wash so I am going to hunt out
an all-natural face wash for acne-prone, combination skin
I would love any and all suggestions. Leslie, are the essential oils working out for you? Let me know because I may be starting off with that idea.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

My first attempt at the oils didn't work out for me. I decided to reevaluate my situation, and I did more research, and I am now taking a more holistic approach to the skin issues. Many herbalists recommend de-tox. You can find de-tox teas in most health food stores. The skin is on the same energy meridian as the liver, so liver de-tox is recommended mostly. Also, ingesting 1500 mL of Evening Primrose Oil per day is supposed to help balance hormones, which is a leading cause of acne. So in addition to face wash- (which by the way check for the lemon or the rose herbal wash which has been recommended to me)- I think attempting a whole body approach is key. In fact, I started doing these things Sunday and my face has cleared dramatically. But--- who knows if it will continue to work. Just some more things to think about. Let me know what you find out!