Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wedding Planning Anyone?

This week has been filled with, you guessed it- wedding planning. I would love to get some stuff planned (mainly reserved if it needs to be reserved) before I go back to school since it will be hard for me and Andrew to come back to Nashville to plan. One of my best friends at Rhodes, Jackie, also came in this weekend so we did a little wedding dress shopping and lots of flipping through magazines. I am loving the look of wildflower bouquets, centerpieces, etc. I love flowers so this is something fun to check out. This one is pretty and simple.

While this one is small, but quietly bold.

It has been fun thinking of ways to entertain all of my family and friends. I will probably be posting ideas and such up here so feel free to post more ideas and critique the ones I have. We are hiring a coordinator so it's up to my brain. :) In other news, I saved this very cute set of china (see below) right before it found its way to the dump. I am really into dumpster diving these days- one of my small efforts towards reducing, reusing, and recycling and fighting consumerism. When I brought these home, my dad recognized the brand name on the bottom and suggested I look it up. Turns out these little lovelies run for $50 a dinner plate on ebay and I have 10! The mugs, which are my favorite piece, go for $30. I have over $1000 worth of china free. Gotta love the treasures you can find on the side of the road. They are perfect for a summery Sunday brunch.

All of this kept me pretty busy this week. Harvest Hands went on one of my favorite field trips, to the Adventure Science Center here in Nashville. You should check it out if you are in the area and have kiddos running around the house. It's a definite must-see for this area.

My vote for blog of the week: Uncooked Art by my cousin Jessica. You have to check it out for its awesome recipes and videos on how to cook vegan and raw goodies. The most recent posts are full of tasty looking recipes. (I haven't tried them yet or I would say just tasty.) She is quite the chef (and an artist too)! Definitely worth a peek.


Jessica said...

You are SO SWEET! I appreciate your mention...sounds like you've been super busy! I LOVE your china so strawberry shortcake all grown up. I love that you are into finding/reusing its a gr8 way to use whats around you. I do it in my neighborhood all the time...what people throw away!? BTW I totally see you holding the first flowers...but if you are outside the 2nd would be very pretty. I think you have classically beautiful taste so I know anything you pick will be lovely. Talk to you soon and have a SUPER week!

Sara Beth said...

I had no idea you were engaged!!! Congrats.. I'm havin to go through the same stuff myself!!! We should get together sometime and work on wedding stuff... I fyou have anymore ideas, feel free to shoot them my way!

Leslie said...

If you need my help with any sewing or craft projects, I would be more than happy to help out. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Allison! I go to school with Andrew, and I saw the link to your blog on "Baby Andy's" facebook. Ha! That is the most ridiculous nickname that our friend Heather created for Andrew -- he loves it - NOT! ;]

I love your blog by the way! I just got married 2 weeks ago and wildflowers were definitely what I went for in my bouquet! I thought I'd pass on something I found out about 2 weeks before the wedding(!): only certain wildflowers are in season each, well, season. Since I got married in July, I couldn't get a lot of the ones that naturally grow in the spring time! You don't seem like the type to fret over particular flowers not being available but I just thought I'd pass along this little tidbit before you get your heart set on any in particular! :]

I am so excited for you and Andrew. Let me know if I can do anything to help y'all. Andrew always says such nice things about you. He is very lucky obviously! And I hope to meet you next time you're in Knoxvegas.

Wishing you the best,
:]Sarah Grace Graham McGee (I couldn't decide whether to keep the middle/last name, so I just kept them all!!)