to get around to posting the pictures of our engagement story and the story itself. yay! Here it is:
About two weeks or so ago, Andrew asked if I wanted to go to Knoxville to visit. I said that that sounded great, let me check in with Mom and Dad, etc. I always love going to Knoxville. We have a great time hanging out and lounging around his apartment and exploring downtown Knoxville. (I love exploring just about anything, especially cities.) Then Andrew asked if I wanted to go hiking when I came to visit. I said I would love to. We both love hiking and the Smokey's are unbelievably beautiful. Then he proceeded to ask me several more times over the next day or two if I was "sure I wanted to go hiking." Since it's something we do a lot, I got a bit suspicious and asked him if he was planning on proposing or something- just giving him a hard time. Well he said no and completely played it off even when I bugged him about it several times. Usually I can totally tell if he is not telling the whole truth about surprises and such. This time he tricked me.
So a week or so later, I headed to Knoxville to visit not expecting a proposal. I got there Friday and we got up early on Saturday to go for our hike. We packed lunches since it was going to be a day hike and headed out to Rainbow Falls. The hike was gorgeous. Lots of creeks flowing through the rocks and trees. I love the sound of moving water. (See below)

We made our way up to the waterfalls. Andrew kept going so fast I had to ask him to slow down. (Turns out he was a bit nervous :)) At the waterfall we climbed up to some rocks to eat lunch. Usually on our hiking adventures, we just plop down on the ground to eat, but Andrew whipped out a picnic blanket. This made me a bit suspicious. I thought he either really didn't want to get dirty or wanted to make things special for a reason (aka a proposal). So we ate our lunch and then he proposed. Everyone had cleared away from the waterfall so it was just us when he asked. So cute!! I loved it and couldn't have imagined anything better myself. Here is us post engagement at the bottom of the waterfall.

You can see the slightest hint of my ring in this picture.

Then we packed up and hiked down. It was gorgeous and beautiful and amazing (sorry I can't stop using those words). The Lord has blessed us so much and we are so thankful. The proposal and ring could not have been better. So that's the story and now we are charged with the task of planning a wedding. Sounds a bit overwhelming, but I can't wait to spend time with family and friends all in one place on the special day (which we haven't picked yet). Anyways, here are some more pics....
Bit of bling in this one too ;)

Loved the trees and how they really made the sun sparkle.

Andrew actually pre-proposal. Look nervous? I really couldn't tell!

And there's my man. :) When we came back to his apartment, Andrew's roommate and his roommate's girlfriend had champagne chilled and ready to celebrate.